
IRL-1003 Cure-Tek® Infrared Curing Lamp (800-Watt)


This Cure-Tek® S-1000 style infrared curing lamp from H&S Autoshot offers high efficiency curing in a compact lamp assembly. With a compact hand-held design running on 115VAC power, it is easily used anywhere in the shop and, with the IRL-1005 stand, it may be focused on any area of the panel for longer cure times. IRL-1005 stand sold separately.

IRL-1003 Cure-Tek® Infrared Curing Lamp

115VAC w/800-Watt Halogen Lamp

Hand-Held or Stand Operation

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IRL-1003 Cure-Tek® Infrared Curing Lamp (800-Watt)

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